


(575) 492-2763

Dr. 斯蒂芬妮·弗格森

应用科学学院院长 & 学习技术

(575) 492-2643


文理学院院长 & 学习支持
(575) 492-2841

Dr. Larchinee特纳

劳动力培训学院院长 & 专业的研究lturner@ativvus.net(575) 492-4711


是基于完成工作的质量,也就是说,基于课程的实际完成 提供信贷. 成绩 indicating student standing are issued at the end of each 学期. Mid-学期 preliminary 年级s are for advisory purposes and are made known 为学生提供辅导. 期中成绩不会出现在 学生在校成绩.


新墨西哥专科学校的学生将根据成绩进行评估 比例尺如下:
A=90 - 100
B=80 - 89
C=70 - 79
D=60 - 69
F=0 - 59
适当的部门和/或教授将决定成绩的计算 对于一个课程. Please refer to that section of the course syllabus for details. 这 policy will not apply to Nursing and some technical / vocational programs. 指 each program for the specific grading scale and 年级 calculation used.


A优异的荣誉等级表明由于持续优异而获得的优异成绩 examination scores; consistently accurate and prompt completion of assignments; ability to deal resourcefully with ideas; and superior mastery of pertinent skills.
B—Better than Average Honor 年级 indicating competence earned as a result of high examination scores; accurate and prompt completion of
assignments; ability to comprehend ideas; commendable mastery of pertinent skills; and promise of continued success in sequential courses.
C-平均标准的大学成绩,表明成功的表现 of satisfactory examination scores; generally accurate and prompt completion of assignments; ability to comprehend ideas; fair mastery of pertinent skills; and sufficient evidence of ability to warrant entering sequential courses.
D-通过不合格等级,仅表示达到最低要求 as a result of low examination scores; generally inaccurate, incomplete, or late assignments; inadequate grasp of ideas; barely acceptable mastery of pertinent skills; or insufficient evidence of ability to make advisable the enrollment in sequential courses.
F-不及格,表示工作完全不令人满意; 而且不会给学分.
I只有当学生成功完成学业时,才会得到“I”的成绩 工作的很大一部分,但是一些不可预见的事件发生了 学生的控制. A substantial portion of the work would be something in the 工作范围为80-85%或更多. The student, unless incapacitated, is responsible for notifying the instructor of the event and requesting an incomplete 年级.
以下 不完整的年级 适用法规:
  • If the criteria above are met, the instructor and student enter into a completion 合同. The 合同 specifies what the student must do to complete the course and 获得分数. The method used to calculate the final 年级 must also be stated. The burden for completing the work resides with the student. 讲师将提供 minor assistance to help the student complete the work. 老师,学生, 和合适的院长签署合同. 如果学生没有行为能力,学生 不用签字吗. A copy goes to the student, the instructor, and the Associate 注册商.
  • 学生必须在下一个长学期结束前完成所有课程.
  • 导师会在合同上注明,如果学生不符合要求,将会得到什么分数 没有完成要求的课程. 当学生完成要求时 课程作业时,老师会计算出最终成绩,并提交成绩变更表 交给相应的教务长处理. 如果没有等级变更表处理 由于该学生未能在规定的时间内完成工作,该助理 院长会在最后将“I”的等级改为合同上指定的等级 适当的学期.
W退课学生必须退课或退学,必须向办公室报告 of Enrollment Management for instructions on the proper procedure. 那个学生 不遵守正式程序的学生,无论如何都可能在每门课程中获得“F”的成绩 退出日期. 那个学生 officially drops a course will be assigned a “W.” A student will not be allowed to drop / withdraw from a course during the last two weeks of a regular 学期 or the last week of a summer session.
旁听学生旁听的课程必须满足课程的先决条件,预计参加 all class sessions, but are not required to complete assignments. 所修课程 审计将在学生的成绩单上显示为AU,没有学分记录,也没有 成绩分配. 所修课程 audit cannot be used to meet a course pre- or co-requisite.
CR (Credit)-Some courses are offered as Credit / No Credit. 学生必须满足所有的最低要求 获得学分的课程要求. CR相当于C或更高 年级. A 年级 of CR is not computed in the GPA but the student will receive credit 这门课.
NC (无学分)-在CR / NC课程中,未完成学业的学生 最低课程要求将收到NC. 不计算NC的等级 GPA and the student will not receive credit 这门课.
P (通过)/ F (不及格)——有些课程以P / F形式提供. 符合所有最低要求的学生 这门课 receive a P, but the 年级 is not computed in the GPA although the 学生将获得课程学分. 在P/F课程中,学生 do not satisfactorily complete the minimum course requirements will receive F.
S (Satisfactory)-Some courses are offered as S / U. 符合所有最低要求的学生 这门课 receive a S, but the 年级 is not computed in the GPA although the 学生将获得课程学分.
U (不满意)在S / U开设的课程中,学生完成的课程不满意 最低课程要求的学生将获得美国奖学金. 等级U不计算在 GPA and the student will not receive credit 这门课.
Note: Some schools, scholarships and honorary societies do not accept CR /NC or S / U grading system and / or convert 年级s of CR to C and NC to F. 同样地,S可以。 be converted to a C and U may be converted to an F. 计划转学的学生 去另一所学校的时候应该和那个学校的学术顾问谈谈 CR/NC等级可能造成的后果.


Grade points, per 学期 hour, are assigned as follows:

A 每学分4分
B 每学分3分
C 每学分2分
D 每学分1分
F 每学分0分
W 每学分0分


学生可以在每学期结束时通过T-Bird网站获得他们的成绩 门户网站. If mid-学期 年级s are issued in a course, those may be accessed through the student’s T-Bird Web 门户网站 account; access to the T-Bird Web 门户网站 is on the 国家赛马会官方网站 652.ativvus.net.



任何成绩的改变只会在招生管理办公室备案 由教授书面提交,经学校批准 appropriate academic Dean, and the 教学副总裁.


如果学生有理由认为他/她收到的最终成绩是错误的, the student must first contact the professor and informally attempt to Resolve the issue before beginning a formal, written 年级 appeal. 如果没有令人满意的解决办法 ,学生可以进行正式的,书面的,成绩申诉程序, 如下所述. A formal, written 年级 appeal must be started no later than the last 在收到争议后的第一个长(正常)学期的上课日 年级. For example, to appeal a 年级 received for a class completed during the fall 学期,学生必须在来年春季学期的最后一天开始学习 书面上诉.
The only grounds for a student to appeal a final, 学期 年级 are:
  1. The 年级 is allegedly based on an error in calculation.
  2. 据称,该分数不符合课程大纲中规定的评分标准.
It shall be the responsibility of the student to prove that the 年级 is incorrect 或不合理. Students may not appeal disagreements based on teaching methodologies, 出勤政策或成绩加权方法. 在课程期间 is the student’s responsibility to communicate any concerns he/she may have about 把课程或成绩交给教授.
An appeal will not be heard at any level unless the proper appeal steps have been 之后. 学术欺骗 问题是通过学术欺诈程序,而不是通过成绩申诉程序.


I. 向教授提出的书面上诉
  1. 学生须于年月日从教务处取得正式成绩申诉表格 which the course was offered or from the 注册商’s Office.
  2. 学生应与教授联系,并提供正式成绩申诉表 the top section already completed by the student. 这是为了允许书面文件 上诉的理由. 这 contact with the Professor may be by any method including 人对人,信件或电子邮件. 如果教授不在,学生 应将正式成绩申诉表格提交给教授的导师. (此信息可从注册办公室或副校长处获得 教务处.)
  3. 教授须在10个工作天(星期一)内填妥他/她的部分 – Friday) following receipt of the form from the student.
  4. 如果教授同意学生更改成绩的要求,则在5个工作日内 成绩变更表将由教授发起并提交 送交司法常务官.
  5. If the Professor does not agree with the student, the 年级 remains unchanged.
  6. 学生可以接受教授的决定,也可以向学院提出申诉 appropriate Academic Dean no later than 20 business days following receipt of the 教授的决定.
II. 给教务长的书面申诉
  1. 学生通过提交一份副本向教务长提出正式的书面申诉 将在上一级完成的年级申诉表寄给相应的院长.
  2. 院长将在收到表格后的10个工作日内完成他/她的部分 the formal, written request for appeal from the student.
  3. If the Academic Dean agrees with the student request for a 年级 change, within 5 business days of that decision, the Dean will have a Grade 更改表格启动.
  4. If the Dean does not agree with the student, the 年级 remains unchanged.
  5. 学生可以接受院长的决定,也可以向副院长提出申诉 教学总裁 no later than 20 business days following receipt of the 院长的决定.
3. Written Appeal to the 教学副总裁
  1. 学生向负责指导的副校长提出正式的书面申诉 向副署长提交一份已按上述级别填写的表格副本 教学总裁.
  2. 副校长将完成他/她对成绩申诉请求的审查 收到学生正式的书面申诉请求后的10个工作日.
  3. If the Vice President agrees with the student request for a 年级 change, within 5 在作出决定后的工作日内,负责教学的副校长将有一个成绩 更改表格启动.
  4. If the Vice President does not agree with the student, the 年级 remains unchanged. The decision of the 教学副总裁 is final. 不再提出上诉 这个等级可能会发生.